An unexpected financial crisis that adversely impacts your credit can happen at any time. For people who find themselves in this position and are trying to rebuild their credit after a rough patch or even just starting out, credit builder loans are a great option.
Smart Strategies for a
Debt-Free Future
Stay informed with expert tips, financial insights, and real success stories to help you take control of your debt and build a brighter financial future.
Teamwork Makes the Finances Work: How Couples Talk About Money
Money issues are common in a partnership. Some couples deal with them easily, while statistics show, most couples do not. In fact, study after study has shown that money-related issues are the number two leading cause of divorce, behind only infidelity. Ultimately,...
The Four Habits of the Most Successful Investors
“Rule #1: Never lose money; Rule #2: Don’t forget rule #1.” - Warren Buffet Becoming financially free does not happen without a commitment to saving and investing earnings. There are other factors of course, like managing debt, but without a well thought out strategy...
Seven Ways a Debt Relief Program Can Improve Your Life
If you find yourself in an unmanageable situation in regards to debt, sometimes the best strategy is to engage a professional to help ease the burden that you’re experiencing. A debt relief program is designed to help qualified individuals experiencing financial...
How to Develop a Money Mindset
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words; watch your words, for they become actions; watch your actions, for they become habits; watch your habits, for they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” - Lao Tzu As Lao Tzu, the...
Great Strategies to Reduce Debt and Build Wealth
One of the biggest impediments to building wealth is carrying a heavy debt burden. Almost a million people declare bankruptcy every year, often due to unmanageable debt. It’s a dire reality, but even if you feel like you’re drowning in debt, you don’t have to end up a...
Turbocharge Your Debt Reduction
Lingering - or even worse - growing debt is a debilitating feeling. You can wipe the slate clean, however, with this strategy designed to turbocharge your debt reduction and put you on the path to financial freedom. Start Your Engines Before you can cross the finish...
How to Avoid Going Into Debt this Holiday Season
Creating and sticking to a holiday budget can help keep you from falling into unmanageable debt
Year-End Financial Planning Tips
The holidays are officially in full swing. You've got gifts to buy, office parties to go to, and eggnog to drink. While it would be easy to put off some important year-end financial planning until next year, creating a financial strategy now will prepare you for any...