Five Smart Uses For Your Tax Refund This Year

Five Smart Uses For Your Tax Refund This Year

Some people dread tax season and with good reason. They may owe rather than get tax refund at the end of the year based on their income. For roughly 73% of filers, though, the opposite is true. They receive an average of $2,725 in refunds. This is a good lump sum of...
Debt Snowball: Is It Worth It?

Debt Snowball: Is It Worth It?

We are all familiar with snowballs: we make those balls and roll it to clean our backyard or clean out the space for our car (for those who are lucky to see snow during the winter). Snowballs are often used in games such as snowball fights - we scoop snow with the...
How To Be Smart With Your Money?

How To Be Smart With Your Money?

Money touches almost everything we do in a modern society. Without being financially savvy it’s hard to survive. In the world of finance, you have to have a certain attitude and habits which will help you to build wealth and stability. As a result of being smart in a...
How To Pay Off Debt Faster?

How To Pay Off Debt Faster?

Sometimes paying off all your debt might seem unrealistic. But according to an analysis by, the typical American household needs about 13 months to pay down the average debt of $8,195. But this is in case if you're investing 15 percent of your income...