Business Planning for 2020: Outside the Box

Business Planning for 2020: Outside the Box

Many business owners try to make business predictions based on a hunch, what I like to call the “throwing spaghetti against the wall” approach. Instead of this type of vague planning, try instead this year to incorporate key data and analytics into your strategy and...
The Three Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

The Three Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

2019 is around the corner, and with it - for many people - will come a multitude of resolutions to save more money, pay off debts, and to generally improve their finances. A good starting point to achieve these goals is knowing and understanding your credit score....

What is a credit report?

A credit report is a record of your credit activities. It lists any credit card accounts or loans you may have, the balances, and how regularly you make your payments. It also shows if any action has been taken against you because of unpaid bills.