Smart Strategies for a

Debt-Free Future

Stay informed with expert tips, financial insights, and real success stories to help you take control of your debt and build a brighter financial future.

Goal Setting: Why and How?

Goal Setting: Why and How?

Most people aim at nothing in life and hit it with amazing accuracy. That sounds like a startling wake-up call, doesn’t it? Who wants to achieve nothing in life? I’m sure none of you want. But the truth is many of us set goals incorrectly, and most of us - sadly -...

Understanding Debt Settlement Solutions

Understanding Debt Settlement Solutions

If you’re currently up against a growing mountain of debt, debt settlement is certainly not the only option. Many people will take advantage of debt consolidation because it allows them to preserve their credit history, while still potentially saving on monthly...

How To Develop a Money Mindset

How To Develop a Money Mindset

Developing a money mindset - what does that mean? Simply put, it is the attitude that you have about money and finances. It can have a significant impact on your ability to achieve your financial goals. Even with the best intentions to eliminate debt, increase...

Personal Brand: What Is It And How To Build It?

Personal Brand: What Is It And How To Build It?

We all spend the majority of our lives working for an employer, or if you’re a business owner, on the business you own. But what if told you that your personality is actually your business? That your primary work is not what you do, but who you are? Intrigued? It’s...

How Debt Impacts Job Opportunities and Work Life

How Debt Impacts Job Opportunities and Work Life

Does Debt Affect Employment Opportunities? Experian acknowledges that many employers check credit reports, but they deny that employers can see an individual's credit score. With a candidate’s permission, employers can reportedly see limited credit history...

Environmental problem: What We Can Do About It

Environmental problem: What We Can Do About It

Climate change has become the worst environmental problem in the world. The climate change problem is real and caused by humans, and combating it has proved daunting. There are several prerequisites that have contributed to these problems. Pollution is one of the main...

Business Planning for 2020: Outside the Box

Business Planning for 2020: Outside the Box

Many business owners try to make business predictions based on a hunch, what I like to call the “throwing spaghetti against the wall” approach. Instead of this type of vague planning, try instead this year to incorporate key data and analytics into your strategy and business planning.